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McMaster Year 1 - non-science students

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It is a bit of a mystery to me how Mac can get a student through medical school in 3 years, with no science requirements, when most other schools take 4 years and have many pre-req's. I know most students have science degrees and I am only talking about a small sample....


Can you tell me how year one was for you? If you do have a science degree, do you feel your knowledge was helpful or was a large portion of your hard work a waste of time (i.e. zoology?)


My experience with psych / bio psych, sociology and philosophy has been amazing and I am glad I went that route. I just hope it does not hurt (much)



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This only answers one of your questions.


McMaster has a 3 year program, but there are no breaks in between the years. It's a continuous 3 year long program. UofT for instance, has summer vacations and Mac does not.


This is correct. If memory serves me right, McMaster actually has one of the longest clerkship periods in Ontario.


Think of it this way...


U of T

4 years x 8 months = 36 months

36 months - 3 months (various weeks "off") = 33 months



2 years and 8 months = 33 months


There are regulations in place to ensure everyone has the same amount of credit hours.

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