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My chances

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Hi, just wondering what my chances are for getting in.


GPA: 3.71

VR: 8


Live in rural northern ontario my whole life, research experience and I have been working as a nurse for 2 years. I have applied twice to NOSM and this is my first time applying to McMaster.

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Hi, just wondering what my chances are for getting in.


GPA: 3.71

VR: 8


Live in rural northern ontario my whole life, research experience and I have been working as a nurse for 2 years. I have applied twice to NOSM and this is my first time applying to McMaster.



Your chances are not good.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Given the huge black box that is CASPer, I think it's impossible to say for sure. Your GPA isn't much below the median, but your VR score is in the lowest bracket among matriculants.


Someone like you is living proof of the problems with McMaster's stated formula. Your extracurricular experience, impressive as it is, apparently counts for nothing in determining whether you get an interview. If it makes you feel any better, I personally would rather see a doctor who previously worked as a nurse than some wizkid with a 15 in VR straight out of school.


I'm surprised that you didn't get into NOSM despite two attempts. Your GPA is competitive there, and they don't use the MCAT. I wonder if you're not considered "Northern" enough? I hope you at least got an interview.

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Someone like you is living proof of the problems with McMaster's stated formula. Your extracurricular experience, impressive as it is, apparently counts for nothing in determining whether you get an interview. If it makes you feel any better, I personally would rather see a doctor who previously worked as a nurse than some wizkid with a 15 in VR straight out of school.


There is no shortage of schools that value the past experiences of their applicants very highly. Mac cares more about who you are and what you can do - not so much about what you've already done.


It's unique, sure, but it's not like they pulled the criteria out of their arse. There are research backed reasons for what they value.

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Someone like you is living proof of the problems with McMaster's stated formula. Your extracurricular experience, impressive as it is, apparently counts for nothing in determining whether you get an interview. If it makes you feel any better, I personally would rather see a doctor who previously worked as a nurse than some wizkid with a 15 in VR straight out of school.


ECs do count for something, but not directly and other less measurable experiences count as well. It is definitely not perfect and frankly I am starting to wonder if med schools should just have a lottery system where your chances are improved based on measurable qualities like gpa and mcat. Problem is they still want to keep up the appearance of "fairness."

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