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Interview Questions~~

Guest predent2003

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Guest predent2003

Now that most of the applications are in, I guess a lot of us are worrying about the interviews. Although CDA says that they would change new set of questions every year, it would still be benefitial if we have some old questions to practice with. Too bad the CDA style questions are situational based and different from the traditional interview questions.

So anyone knows where we can find some questions to practice with?

or if for those of you who're in, or had interview last year kindly share with us your interview experiences at the different schools?

I would post my questions if I got an interview this year too! :)

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Guest Berland

They are all pretty standard types of Q's. Expect several similar questions worded differently (a good way to tell if you are being truthfull)


In any case, it is basically a BDI type interview. If you have ever had an interview with a big corporation you have probably experienced one.


Cut and past from corporate sites


Behavior Description Interviewing - BDI is based on the premise that past performance predicts future behavior/performance. BDI is a highly structured interview process which adheres closely to a pre-determined pattern of questions. The interviewer attempts to focus the candidate's attention on specific incidents or situations from his/her past which are similar to the activities which the successful applicant will be doing on the job. An example of a BDI question is:


From time to time, we all find ourselves a bit behind on some task. Tell me about the time when you fell furthest behind in your list of things to do.


What led to your not being able to keep up?

How did you try to correct the situation?

What was the outcome of your efforts to catch up?

How often has this type of situation come up in the last year?


More cut and past


Purpose of the Interview


The interview offers you an opportunity to ask questions, gather information and find if Nexen is a good “fit” for you.

For the interviewer to gather information not available on your resume and find if you have the skills required to succeed in the position.

For Nexen to determine if you are their best “fit” for the organization.

How to prepare for your interview…


Know our (school/proffesion)


what (school/proffesion) does

(school/proffesion) Values

what (school/proffesion) looks for in students (see Core Competencies)

Know the position you are applying for


job description


skills needed

Know Yourself


your skills & competencies


be able to pull past experiences from work, school, volunteering

focus on the situation, actions taken and results


What is a Behaviour Descriptive Interview (BDI)?


An assessment technique that focuses on what candidates have done in the past, not on what they say they might do in the future. Before the interview (school/proffesion) recruitment team identify the Core Competencies and skills required to succeed. Then structured patterns of questions are built based on those Core Competencies and skills.This method of questioning will receive the greatest information about you. Using BDI, you are judged on your accomplishments and not your personality or demeanour during the interview.


Lot's of stuff on the internet in any case



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Guest Francesco1001

I'll give you some of the interview questions that I got during interviews last year. The UofT interview questions and UWO ones were very similar for me, which was a plus. Though I don't remember them all, here are a few:


-Name a time in your life when someone in authority has told you to do something you disagreed with. How did you respond.


-Name a time someone has been angry (time of conflict) with you. How did you respond.


-Where do you see yourself in 5 years? In 10 years?


-We all have times in our life when we look back and say "what if I had done this or changed that". Tell us about a time. How has this affected your life and decissions.


UWO also asked some non-CDA questions near the end. The two I got were:


-If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Why?


-Do you play sports? Talk about it.


Hope that helps a bit. If I can think of any others, I'll write them down.

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