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Has anyone been previously interviewed at mac with technical difficulties on CASPer?

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I hope this has not been posted before. I tried searching, but didn't find anything.


I know many people have mentioned that tech difficulties shouldn't cause problems, and Mac asserts that, but I think many of us would want "proof", so to speak. Has anyone out there been interviewed in previous cycles after having difficulties with CASPer? I mean, not someone who re-wrote the test, but someone who missed a complete section, informed Mac about it, didn't re-write the test, and still got an interview.

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There are so many different types and degrees of problems that people could have while taking this test that I am curious as to how they manage to account for them fairly in the marking scheme.


If only infrastructure and logistics permitted for a centralized exam sitting like the MCAT...but I suppose that accommodating thousands of people for an entrance test would be nearly impossible for a single university. The technical difficulties seem to really be the CASPer system's Achilles' heel.

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I think there's quite a bit of subjectivity and unfairness involved but this is what Mac's doing and there's nothing we can really do about it. I do feel that CASPer is very vulnerable though, and the method of conducting the test isn't very fair.

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