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How did the interview go?

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I was interviewed there last year - when you check in you can leave your coat/belongings at the registration desk, I believe.

I never took anything into the interview, there wasn't much opportunity to write anything down during the interview - in my mind.


Thanks :) , this is my first interview and it seems atlantic area is more than quiet especially memorial.

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Just had my interview this morning. It went well. Mostly questions were broken down into a few groups about who you are /how you view yourself /how others view you /physician qualities / questions..and an ethics question somewhere in there. Sample questions are on their website so check that out. Know yourself and your experiences. I was able to get in my life story lol and my interests and why I thought this was my path. You can add stuff at the end too! There were a few little laughs but it was very professional. I personally was more nervous than I thought I would be and this caused a few word stumble moments but for the most part I got out what I planned on and they were more than nice. I tried to show myself in a way that I would stand out and I hope it worked!:D They also had great facilities and a lot of research possibilities, I also heard they plan on changing the curriculum next year along with the new expansion..maybe that's old news :o lol

Good luck to anyone with the interview ahead of them!


* This year the memorial threads are a little dead so I will post what I can.

Does anyone know how many NBers were interviewed? I heard there were a bunch last Friday but today there were not so many...

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  • 2 weeks later...
anyone sending thank you cards? how do you go about it? addressed to admissions?


hmmm.. i have actually never heard of this. not sure if it is my limited experience in the admissions process or if it is not a normal occurrence here at MUN (haven't heard this from friends who have applied in the past). can anyone with more knowledge comment on this? personally, i think that it may be taken as overly gratuitous or perhaps an overzealous attempt to be noticed? (I do not mean that in a mean way). i can certainly see sending a thank you card to a student who may have allowed you to stay with them while travelling here for interviews or perhaps someone who went above and beyond to make your experience the best possible or helped you specifically in some way, however to just send it to the admissions office to say thanks for the interview? unsure about that one.


however, like you, i would also like to hear what others have to say/have experienced on this topic.

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hmmm.. i have actually never heard of this. not sure if it is my limited experience in the admissions process or if it is not a normal occurrence here at MUN (haven't heard this from friends who have applied in the past). can anyone with more knowledge comment on this? personally, i think that it may be taken as overly gratuitous or perhaps an overzealous attempt to be noticed? (I do not mean that in a mean way). i can certainly see sending a thank you card to a student who may have allowed you to stay with them while travelling here for interviews or perhaps someone who went above and beyond to make your experience the best possible or helped you specifically in some way, however to just send it to the admissions office to say thanks for the interview? unsure about that one.


however, like you, i would also like to hear what others have to say/have experienced on this topic.


hmm.. yeah I normally would not think to send one but apparently it is standard process in some places.. I have heard it mostly on SDN so it may just be a U.S. thing. My wife has done a ton of research on this stuff and she seemed to think it was normal although again maybe just U.S. ? anyone have any info?:confused:

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No.....I realize that would not influence it...but it is courteous? Is that not a reason people do things?..lol


I don't think it's worth anything since the admissions committee would never see it, but it's only a couple bucks to buy and mail a card, so if you feel obliged there is likely no harm.

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