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How heavily OrgChem 2 is used on the MCAT


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Hi everyone,


I'm really in need to know if OrgChem 2 (which at my school covers mainly mechanisms and such) is used heavily on the MCAT or not? ie. If I only took Org 1 and attempt the biological section of the MCAT this summer will I need to study Org 2 on my own..


I'm asking this question because I'm taking Org 2 next term but considering dropping it because of my heavy course load (will probably end up doing it in my fourth year because the school that I'm applying to does not require it, however, I know most other schools do).


Thank you

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Thank you thehumanmacbook, this is exactly what I was thinking after having a look at an old practice test. However, my Org1 prof specifically mentioned in the syllabus that Org2 is needed to successfully do well on the biological section (but hey he hates premeds so bad ;) )


You might have to go over NMR on your own, but that's about it. I think?

We have already covered NMR in Org1 (we used Klein's textbook, and it was amazing in that aspect) but I'm not sure if we get more into NMR in Org2 or not. Can you elaborate more on what from the NMR is tested rather than basically reading off the signals to get to the structure. Also, I was wondering do we get any kind of signal chart for the NMR? I just finished Org1 and I have forgotten them already :confused:


Thank you

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I personally didn't take orgo at all, and after a month and a half of studying (no practice exams done) I scored a 10 on the real thing in the BS section - maybe I was lucky and the orgo passage was easy...you never really know how you did based on your feelings after the MCAT. But take my advice with a grain of salt.


Based on the books though from various prep companies, you need to really just read off the signals to get the structure - especially H-NMR. The practice problems I did never really went beyond that, I would focus more on actually studying the physiology/biology on that section. Very few points can really be earned through studying orgo extensively, and on my MCAT there was a lot more biology in the passages tested - even in the orgo section!

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yeah, doesn't the aamc also post the topics that are testable? i could be wrong... i never saw that for myself lol. but ya prep company books and/or a solid intro to orgo textbook should have all the content that you need. also, just remember that it doesn't make up that much of the test. that's not to say you shouldn't try to ace every part of it, but ya.

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thehumanmacbook you are a champ (and I guess you lucked out by an easy Org passage). But thank you for the great details.



markov79, yeah I believe there is such a file were they tell you what are the topics that you need to know (I have only seen it once and I cannot find it anymore :D )



Savac, do you remember if you were given like a data sheet or something similar (but I guess that you really don't need it because you only need to recognize how many different chemical environments you are expecting).




futureGP, yes I like Org (it is like a puzzle) but I would like to balance the course load. Also, the prof (we have only one) who teaches that course seems to be an intelligent person, but not so good lecturer. So, I have to put a little more effort into that course to do reasonably well. But thank you for your suggestion.

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Savac, do you remember if you were given like a data sheet or something similar (but I guess that you really don't need it because you only need to recognize how many different chemical environments you are expecting).


Nothing like that would appear on the MCAT. The question I had was something like: "How many unique protons are in the following molecule?" or something


Edit: For clarification, this question was not on my real MCAT. It was on one of the practice tests that I did, but I don't remember which one.

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Savac, that is a reasonable question. Thank you for sharing that one.



https://www.aamc.org/students/download/85562/data/ps_topics.pdf that's for PS. i clicked the "PS content outline" link, not the "P&BS cognitive skills" outline. originally got it from here:







Thank you very much for finding that file...

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