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Dalhousie Pharm Chance


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Thank you so much for being encouraging. I had a pretty rough go in 3rd yr due to personal issues but I'm starting to build my academic confidence again! It's just very stressful for me (as I'm sure it is for most) not knowing what's going to happen with my application etc. I looked at their curriculum and there's A LOT of overlap between my BSc and their stuff so I think I could excel for sure. Just hope they see that! But thanks again.

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Anytime. :)


Always stay focused on your goal and you'll achieve whatever you want in this world. Everyone has there ups and downs during their academic careers but don't always think of the downs as a bad thing. I gaurentee after bouncing back up from your down, your probably much more determined an focused than before. Bad things happen for a reason. Always try to make the best of a bad situation. Anyways goodluck with your application and I really do wish you the best!

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