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HONESTY required

Guest djgoldma

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Guest djgoldma



I have posted my GPA before and asked what my chances are....Well, I just finished my finals, and will be applying to UT with a 3.56 GPA.


I plan on studying my ass off for the DAT. Can anyone give me a dose of reality and tell me if I should even bother applying to UT with that GPA. Am I throwing away $250 bucks ?


I was reading that the admission average last year was 3.8, which is insane. Help!!!

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Guest naloori

here's some honesty... i think if u've got that gpa u've gotta be an intelligent person that really put in some good effort... assuming u didn't major in a really easy program ... but sadly a gpa of 3.56 is not quite high enough in my opinion to even get an interview unless ur dat is through the roof and ur a masters student or something... of course there are cases of people getting interviews with even lower gpa's and that to me sounds like there's something else to the process that we may not be aware of... anyways... one thing about gpa's is that even if ur just a few %'s away from someone else ur gpa can look drastically different...which sucks but what can ya do... everytime i got an 84 (3.7) vs an 85 (4.0) in a course i'd do whatever i could to fight for extra marks..(similar situation with a 79 (3.3) and an 80 (3.7)) when schools input ur marks in to their ranking computer i believe its gpa that's ranked (at UT)..someone correct me if i'm wrong...cause i've called b4 and asked what mark UT calculated for me and it was always given by gpa..


anyway there's always hope but in all honesty i would consider applying to western if ur gonna take a chance with UT..and i would def consider U.S private schools...if u can hack an 18+ on the DAT i'd say ur a done deal in the States..


i'd also surf through these boards to get a taste of reality...we've got 3.8+ students even 3.9 students on waitlists... :|

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Guest LestatZinnie

UT emphasize quite a bit on marks so you may be out of luck. try UBC since marks only count towards 1/3 of your admission score and it seem to be one of the easier schools to get in for the last 2 years.

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Guest djgoldma



Well, I cannot apply to the US schools, and any other Canadian school because I have not taken Physics. I don't have the time. I'm doing a Biotechnology/Economics degree at the University of Waterloo, and my electives are limited. My program is a co-op program, so when I am not studying, I am working full-time.


That is why I can only appl to U of T. I called them, and they said that anything above 3.5 is competitive. But, if they dont ask about extracurriculars, then there are hundreds of people with higher GPA's.

I'm sure I can do well on the DAT, but nothing spectacular. So, the sense I'm getting is that I'd basically be making a donation to UT if I was to apply...?

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Guest toothy jr

not having taken physics is going to close a lot of doors. The best thing to do would be to try correspondence/night/summer school. I also took english in case I had to apply to schools out west (which never materialized). As you mentioned, U of T wants donations so the "competitive" GPA is quite low. If you got all 29s and 30s on the DAT (probably the best score in history) you might improve your standing, but who knows by how much.


UBC might have nice weather and nice facilities, but boy that tuition sure is high.

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Guest TheDDSDude

UBC's tuition is a quarter compared to that of the US. So apply there if you can. In terms of U of T, honestly man, you might not want to apply there with high hopes. Sorry to be so blunt.


USA is the best choice. You need physics, just take it. Tell them you are taking it. But if you are applying to the USA make sure you get it in ASAP so you can have an early interview and get in on conditional provision. Then all u gotta do is pass physics lol or get at least a C. Not hard.

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Guest toothy jr

tuition is not 4 times higher in the US. The projected cost at UBC is around $40000, and converted to CDN$ Buffalo is around $60k and Boston $80k. My tuition this year is near $20k which really is a quarter of US costs. If I could do it all over again I probably would have at least applied to McGill or Dal, because at the end of the day it hardly matters where I got the DDS.

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Guest TheDDSDude

sorry i don't mean that literally. I didn't say it is a "quarter of". I said that it is a quarter compared to the US tuition meaning it is a lot less.

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