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UWO OT English proficiency

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So I just noticed that in the ORPAS booklet, it states that for UWO, " Applicants whose first language is not English must provide evidence

of English language proficiency; the TOEFL or IELTS is recommended."

My first language isn't English but I've received almost all of my education (starting from grade 2) in English in Canada. I'm also completing a degree at a university in Canada and I'm a Canadian citizen.


Does anyone know I'll still need to provide those test scores? I've never had to write one in my entire life...

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If you've been in Canada that long, I would not worry about it. They are more referring to international applicants and immigrants in general who came over to Canada just to study post-secondary. If you've been in the system since Grade 2 I can't think of a reason why they need you to complete that kind of test.

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