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Toronto or Edmonton (Home) IM


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my partner is in IM on the east coast and knows quite a few Edmonton trained IM docs and his cousin is in Toronto for IM. From what I have gathered from them is:


1) Toronto is a great place to be (I was a U of T undergrad and loved toronto) BUT I do not mean it's a great place to be for training b/c his cousin does not get a lot of independence or opportunities to do procedures, becuz of all the fellows and the large # of other residents.

2) Research in Toronto is of course infinite, but I have the feeling that there are also the opportunities like that in Edmonton

3) Edmonton trained medical students and residents do well and this is recognized across the country

4) Both have a great match rate for fellowships, 100% to first choice for Edmonton and 98% to first choice for U of T


If you did your undergrad, medschool etc in Edmonton it may be a nice change to move out to Toronto. My advice would be Edmonton for the training but again Toronto if you would like to change it up!



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