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Additional Practice for VR


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Hi everyone,


I am going to be re-writing the test. I am looking for some advice on additional verbal reasoning practice. I have already gone through all of the TPR hyperlearning materials, some Kaplan materials, EK 101 workbook and AAMC FL's the first time I wrote the test. Verbal is my weakness (hence the reason for my rewrite) and I am hoping to do as many passages as possible this time around.


Any advice on what other books, online resources etc that I can use for VR practice? Any other standardized exam materials that also have a VR section? I would be mostly interested in any materials that can be accessed online or through a library for free (as I don't have much $$ to spend).



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thus spoke zarathustra by nietschze


the outsider by albert camus


wittgenstein and the problem of other minds (some can be very challenging, read what you can, since the more challenging ones are overkill for sure)


the politics of truth and the archaeology of knowledge by foucault


the cultural origins of human cognition by michael tomasello


existentialism and human emotions by sarte


go to the law library and pick up the health law review... this is actually really good for your mmi... i've read ever issue of the last 5 years, you can too :)


stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (online)... read whatever you're interested in, i surf this a lot when i'm bored or need a break from my work


magazines: the walrus, the economist, adbusters (for fun when you get tired of reading), then onto some gq for what i plan to buy when i'm rich


sex therapy by cairo lol, for ****s and giggles... but hey, diversity right


lsat reading comprehension books are good, for real... plus explanations are so much more to the point as to y x->y etc. in other words, why so and so is right


choices, values, and frames by amos tversky and daniel kahneman... skip where it gets overly technical... but like wittgenstein, it'll teach you to pick up details that can be very suggestive of an answer you may miss, since the detail is so salient

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