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Interview Weekend

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To those of you who have already interviewed, the week prior did you get an e-mail regarding the interview weekend agenda? So far I haven't found anything like an interview website, Facebook group or received an e-mail with anything along those lines. Other schools have provided some form of resource with things like a 'what to bring' section, the daily schedule of sessions, 'ask a med student', etc. so I'm just wondering if Mac does anything like that.


If anyone has any information about this I would appreciate it- thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you, so number 52 on this map? http://www.mcmaster.ca/welcome/images/campus_map.pdf


I cannot believe I didn't bring my package from McMaster with me.


Yep! For exact directions, you can google maps the address below and you should be good to go:


Michael G. DeGroote Centre for Learning and Discovery

McMaster University, Hamilton, ON L8S 4E8





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I figure if I'm going to ask this anywhere here is a good place!


Do we introduce ourselves and shake hands with the MMI assessors at each station?


This includes actors and people who we talk to about MMI scenarios.


I'm mostly asking for clarification about the actors. Or do we just walk in the door and say, "Hey Jessica, there was something you wanted to talk to me about?"

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