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Regional Campuses

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I value informed decision-making :)




I thought the 1st yr students explained the benefits of the regional campuses pretty well following the interviews... obv waterloo > niagara because of the free popcorn + coffee...


On a more serious note, I think facility-wise both regional campuses are comparable (Niagara being a little newer).. Both regional campuses serve relatively similar communities... So it's not like there's a clear deal-breaker, except for the popcorn..


Personally, I ranked my preference based on convenience...

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Im in Niagara 2015.



- everything's brand new. Campus and Hospital. Plenty of place to study. Staff is super nice

- Niagara is awesome, housing and gas is cheaper. Can get a much nicer place for same amount of money.

-Way easier to get electives for all the general specialties

- Anatomy once a week




- Video conferenced classes (if you go to them, you may not like them)

- Some subspecialties are only in Hamilton (if you wanna be a pediatric neurosurgeon, youll be driving a bit)

- All the interest groups are in Hamilton, if they have events they are vc'ed but some of them are hands on.

- Difficult to have a decent party or event here since there's so few of us



In the end, it really depends on what you prefer. Having a small class is nice for some but not for others. You get the same things in all campuses, but the regional campuses do have a lot of perks if you can deal with a bit of driving (i go about once every two weeks). PM me if you have any questions.

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