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opinion needed please

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Hi guys,

I am new to this forum, and I need your opinion whether to bother applying to MM or not, I am an international pharmacy graduate, graduated 10+ years ago, moved to canada in 2006 and been working as a pharmacist since 2007. I just need your opinion whether I would have a chance in getting invited to MM' interview if:


1. I am out of province

2. I get a good VR (I think I can get 13/14)

3. I do well in the CASPer (I think I can be among the top 10%)

4. My gpa from back home is 76% (this will likely be converted to 3.0, I was among top 5% of my class but I don't think that will do any help)


I'd really appreciate any input whether I have a chance (even slim) or would it be a waste of time?


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Thank you for your reply, I kinda figured it out, I just needed a second opinion, upgrading courses would not really do much because I had a 170 credits with that GPA so it would be hard to do anything to change it, unless there is a school that does not give any weight to GPA (esp international ones as they vary by country and by school), I guess I am out of luck.

good luck to you

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The first thing to do would be to have your international degree evaluated by WES. Then you can figure out where to go from there, depending on what they tell you.



Before deciding what kind of chance you may or may not have, you should find out for certain what your grades would be. Also, while the lovely and very knowledgable folks here on premed101 are definitely a great resource to offer a sort of litmus test on your odds, the reality is it is not possible to know if you would get in without actually applying.


If you feel strongly that this career might be for you, then you could look at ways to improve your chances. If, for example, you can pull off a monster VR, that may change your odds.


If, on the other hand, this is just an option you're casually considering, you may want to know that it would likely be an uphill battle (because it always is) and cut your losses. Either way, just make sure you are basing your decision on complete info.


Good luck!

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3.0 is pretty low but if you can get almost perfect on VR you might have a chance. I was OOP (NB) 3.7 GPA, 11 VR and got an invite..I thought it would not be possible.. higher than 11 in VR will make up for a lower GPA obviously but Casper is hard to know how well you will do, you need to be a fast thinker with really fast typing, after the test many people mentioned that they did not have enough time and it felt more like a typing test, work on typing speed prior. Try to be over 100 wpm. You want at least a few hundred words per question maybe more, as long as it is on topic and to the point.

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I really appreciate your input, I did the online GPA calculator on WES and based on the country and credit hours earned it gave me 3.00, regarding the VR and the CASPer, I am confident I can do well but there is no way to know how well without trying, I have done GRE before and got a brilliant score but it is a different test.

Getting an idea of my odds would really help me decide, I can always pursue other options rather than investing time on VR and McMaster application if my odds are very slim.

If I am getting it right, it seems that if I get a near perfect VR score and an excellent CASPer, I do have a reasonable chance, without of course holding any breath?

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Found this in the Q&A

Q: I left my country as a refugee and cannot obtain a transcript. What should I do?


If you cannot obtain a transcript from your home country, you must attend university for at least two years in Canada before being eligible to apply to the Medical Program. In the absence of verifiable documents (transcripts received directly from your university) McMaster is unable to assess your credentials.



Please note that you must use the services of World Education Services to have your foreign transcript evaluated.

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