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evaluations in PGY1

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Hey Guys,

I was just wondering how we are evaluated in PGY1 for radiology. Is it just like on45 in clerkship minus the exams?

How important are these evals? What happens if you get an unsatisfactory? Do you have to repeat? Do they get used in hiring?


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I found that it was similar to clerkship (rotation supervisor fills out an evaluation form, usually with input from others).


I would really not even think about getting an unsatisfactory evaluation - if you show up, work hard, and are pleasant like you presumably were in clerkship in order to match, you should have no problem passing. In the remote event that a situation seems funny, it would be prudent to take steps to address that before things really go south...


All the rotation evaluations get sent to your program director (who will provide your future references for fellowships/jobs, even though these evaluations will not be made available directly to potential employers). If you were to fail a rotation, there are policies re: remediation, but again you should not be thinking about failing at this point.


One, it would be a pretty bad start to your residency, and two, failed rotations may need to be declared on future applications for licensure. There are policies for leave should you have legitimate reasons for not being able to complete a rotation.

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