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Your GPA is great. MCAT, not so much. A low 30s will get you into Wayne State but not mid or high tier American schools. Honestly, if I were you I'd absolutely work my ass off on rewriting the MCAT and get it to at least a 35 or 36 (try your best), maybe even take a year off for that if necessary, because if you are MCAT is in that range you are golden and you'll probably have a shot at even the top tiers (which are better for residency matching and $$$/financial aid generally) depending on how interesting your resume is.

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Most schools will focus on your most recent MCAT, and if they do look at both, the 6 point drop isn't pretty. I agree with poster above and highly recommend taking the time out to rewrite - adding up your best subscores puts you around a 34 which is solid everywhere(ignoring WashU which loves stats).

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Thank you for the replies!


I plan on writing my MCAT in early August (I am still working full time). However, I find it difficult studying for the third time! My practice scores are usually around 12-13 for the sciences (but its hard to tell because I am quite familiar with the practice tests already from doing them multiple times)


Is it still worth it to apply?


What schools should I apply to?


Thank you again!


It won't be a long list, but find the schools that DON'T operate on rolling admissions AND are Canadian friendly. That way, at the very least you wont be disadvantaged for applying so late in the cycle.


Of course, I'm also just an applicant so take my advice with a grain of salt.

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yd u re-write


that was dumb


well some take the best


Don't you see a 6 in the first attempt?


@bluetedbear I was in same situation as you. I have given the MCAT 4 times (34O (9VR), 31P (6VR), 29P (6VR) and 32 (9VR)). I scored a 34O in my first attempt and gave it again to improve my writing score, but dropped my verbal to 6. So, I gave it again to improve my verbal, which didn't and my total dropped below 30 loll..

I was completely devastated and didn't have anything more to give. But, 6 months later I gave it again and worked particularly hard on my verbal reasoning. I scored a 32 - nothing spectacular, but way better than a 29. So, I am sure you can do better if you work hard this time.


Besides Wayne State, CMS is a good option too. Good luck!

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Don't you see a 6 in the first attempt?


@bluetedbear I was in same situation as you. I have given the MCAT 4 times (34O (9VR), 31P (6VR), 29P (6VR) and 32 (9VR)). I scored a 34O in my first attempt and gave it again to improve my writing score, but dropped my verbal to 6. So, I gave it again to improve my verbal, which didn't and my total dropped below 30 loll..

I was completely devastated and didn't have anything more to give. But, 6 months later I gave it again and worked particularly hard on my verbal reasoning. I scored a 32 - nothing spectacular, but way better than a 29. So, I am sure you can do better if you work hard this time.


Besides Wayne State, CMS is a good option too. Good luck!


Thank you Neuro for the wonderful advice! :D


During my second attempt, I was working full-time in a lab...and I wrote a bit too early. I thought I did well actually...but I guess not.


Right now, I am currently working full-time in a lab. It's getting a bit demanding. I have one month until my mcat.. I feel like I can pull it off but I am second-guessing myself because I have done all my practice material 2x already... so I really don't have any new practice material.


Neuro, what did you do differently when you studied for your last MCAT?


Thank you ! :D

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I used completely different tests. For the first 3 attempts i had used the same tests, so I had them fresh in memory. I used princeton workbooks and online tests as I had not used these earlier. Princeton verbal workbook was extremely useful and was one the most important factors in improving my verbal score.


I am not an expert lol. But, I think you can definitely improve if you practice more and more. Even if you use the same material for sciences, I would suggest that you try different tests for verbal.

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