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MCAT expired, when to rewrite...

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Hi Everyone,


So I have a bit of a dilemma coming up next year. I wrote my mcat back in 2009 (3rd time writing) then did grad school and applied last year and this year. I've had interviews here in Canada and been waitlisted but no luck this year and so this is the last time I can apply here with my current scores (already too old for the US). Now I'm debating when I should (if at all) rewrite. Ideally I'd like to get into Canada this year and not rewrite at all but in order to apply early to the states it would be better to rewrite in the spring (mar/apr time). If I wait until I hear from Canadian schools and then write the mcat it will be too late for the US (keep in mind I need a few months to study since I last wrote 5 years ago). I also considered deciding based on interview invites, if I get a couple then put it off but if none or only one then write in the spring. Any advice? What would people do in my situation or has anyone been in a similar spot? Also, does anyone know how US schools consider expired scores (I couldn't find anything on the forums or the mcat website)?

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That is a really long time, you've probably forgotten most of the content. Its a tough decision, can you post your current stats so we know if you're likely to get interviews or not? Also, is your MCAT expired for ALL US schools? Maybe u could apply to the few that will accept ur scores?

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That is a really long time, you've probably forgotten most of the content. Its a tough decision, can you post your current stats so we know if you're likely to get interviews or not? Also, is your MCAT expired for ALL US schools? Maybe u could apply to the few that will accept ur scores?


My AMCAS gpa is about 3.8 and my current mcat is a 30Q but obviously I need to rewrite. I also completed my masters in December and I have a good variety of activities; some publications (no 1st author), hospital volunteering, shadowing, tutoring, residence don, some grad/undergrad awards, intramural sports and a bunch of club execs. I feel pretty confident about getting interviews if I can get a decent MCAT score but its tough since it has been a while. I've also had a few interviews in Canada the last few years and been waitlisted (incl. OOP at UBC) which is what makes it harder to decide when to rewrite. Ideally I wish I didn't have to but if I wait until May when I find out here it would be too late for the US by the time I write and my scores go in. I was considering scheduling for the spring and starting to study but then if I get a couple of interview again here then moving it until later in the summer? Its a bit of a risk if I don't get in but then again if I'm working full time then prepping for interviews and studying for the mcat on top of work would be very hard to do as well. What would others do in my situation? Any advice would really be appreciated, I'm really having a tough time with this one. Thanks in advance!

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