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Advice/What are my chances?

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Perhaps some of the low tier US MD schools (Wayne, Sunny upstate etc.). Make sure that you write up your secondaries very well and apply EARLY. Letters of interest to the school will help too. If you were to raise your MCAT to >33 you would become competitive at more schools.


As for the DO schools, you are pretty competitive. I am not 100% sure about those yet, but Canadians are going down. Mashmetoo is the expert on the DO schools. Perhaps if you want to know more, PM him.

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Good chance at MD, good clinical. Write well for your secondaries and submit promptly.


If you retook and got 33+ you would be even more competitive, but as-is you should be okay with MD.


Previous poster mentioned Msc, that can be a good option if you want to stay in Canada and improve your application, going south can be $$.

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