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Case Western - Canadian Friendly?

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Hi, does anyone know if Canadian educated applicants are required to do a year of study in the US before they can matriculate to Case Western?


The web site cryptically states:


Applicants for admission must complete a course of study leading to a baccalaureate degree at an accredited US or Canadian college or university prior to matriculation. If you have received your undergraduate degree outside the US, then you must complete at least 1 year of advanced science-based course work at an accredited US institution prior to application. This can be achieved through a Masters or Phd degree, formalized post-baccalaureate program, or through a variety of upper-level science coursework.

[my emphasis]


(see http://casemed.case.edu/admissions/process/requirements.cfm)


So, first they say a Canadian college is enough, then they say if you earned your degree outside the US (only), it's not enough. Which is it?

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