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Official August '05 Post-MCAT Thread

Guest Jixe

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I had form BG.


PS was fair. Harder than the AAMCs.

VR was suprisingly better than ANY of the AAMC tests. I wouldn't say as simple as BS, but the passages were definitely easier to read.

BS was really simple.


WS prompts:

Positive social change requires a great leader.

The abundance of information on the Internet reduces its usefulness.


Whether I do well or not, I feel like I want to write this thing again to totally kill it. This sitting really boosted my confidence.


To anyone that wrote at International Plaza Hotel, I was the guy that knocked over the supervisor at the beginning of the day. I gave her a piece of my mind...a little too early. ;)

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Guest kaymcee

I had form BM.


PS: ouch. Lots of stuff to do with atoms. NO kinematics. Hardly any typical force questions. This will definitely be my worst score.

VR: surprizingly good. I felt I truly understood the passages and the answers to the questions seemed to pop out at me for the most part. We'll see, though.

BS: simple. Very little organic chemistry (thank goodness) but some definitely tricky biology. They say upper-level courses will do you no good, but I disagree with that immensely. There were questions on immunocytology that came very quickly to me because of my cell biology and genetics background.


My writings prompts were: (same as Jixe)

Positive social change requires a great leader.

The abundance of information on the Internet reduces its usefulness.


Overall, good impression, but I hope my PS score won't drag me down. I do NOT want to write this thing again.

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Guest QuestionMan23213

I had AG,

I found physics to be pretty tough (about the same difficulty as kaplan tests). Some passages were easy while others were really tough and I ran out of time so I had to guess a full passage.


Verbal was also pretty tough. 2 passages had 10 questions each which ate up a lot of time.


Same WS as above.


Bio was not bad and pretty straightforward.

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Guest frenchfrog

I had EM.

I thought the Physical Section was moderately difficult...i was a bit disappointed though...this is usually my best section.

The Verbal was pretty easy. I felt I understood everything too.

I had the same WS prompts as above.

The Bio section was the worst part of the test for me. Too much organic chemistry and difficult bio too. :(

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Don't worry too much about hard sections guys. There is nothing you can do about it now and remember that if you had a tough test version, you are still only marked against the people who wrote that version (who likely also found it pretty tough). Congrats on being done! Enjoy the rest of the summer. :)

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Guest antisera

I had BJ, Physical was ok, Verbal was horrible - didn't finish on time and had to guess on the last few questions. Biology seemed easy, but I may have been so delirious at that time I wasn't thinking straight! I had the leader & Internet prompts which were not bad either.

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Guest arjuna83

I had form DK.


PS: relatively easy. The questions covered almost all topics of MCAT physics and chemistry.


VR: Not bad. A little pressed for time in the end, resulting in a couple of not-so-educated guesses. I'm not that disappointed though.


WS: Same topics as above (positive social change and the internet one)


BS: 5 passages of molecular bio! wow this would have been a piece of cake if I took an advanced molecular bio course. Surprisingly, there were only 2 passages of organic chemistry, and both were quite straightforward. This section wasn't too bad, I managed to finish 2 minutes early.

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Guest Meddream

I had EK.


PS: easy at the beginning, got real tough at the end... ran out of time but finished all the passages...


VR: I found it real tough...however, I was so scared for this section that I wasn't understanding the passages evern though I was reading them...so I had to guess on a lot of them...ran out of time for the last passage...very disappointed esp. that I was doing well before the test...very very disappointed...don't want to rewrite the test for this stupid part..


BS: real easy...I'm in molecular bio program so I loved all those GENE questions...finished right on time


WS: the same as others


I reall y hope that my guessing has been good for verbal b/c I wouldn;t wanna go thru this again!

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Guest PerfectMoment

i had form EJ:


PS: i thought it was quite difficult. i wasn't able to get to one of the passages, something about silicon particles or whatever. i C'd that bad boy. i thought that the stuff they tested on this form wasn't overly difficult, but my mind was just blanking like you wouldn't believe. i wouldn't be surprised if i had an 8 or something. apparently, of the people who also took the same form, the concensus seemed to be that the section was anywhere from "okay" to "good". so that doesn't bode well.


VR: it wasn't too bad. i guessed on quite a few questions, but i always guess on them anyway. VR is a section that inherently requires quite a bit of guessing imo. i was able to finish it, which made me happy, cause i was having trouble finish on some practice tests. there were 2 ten question passages, and both were manageable cause they weren;t the typically hard 10 question ones involving literature or art or whatever. i'm thinking anywhere from 8-11


WS: same as everyone else. i thought this one was money. it seemed like automatic writing or soemthging, cause words were just flowing. i was also really good for time, which is a contrast to my practice essays. i think i may have gotten in the 5 to 6 range.


BS: this one was terrible. even though i finished, i found some of the questions involving the experiments and/or findings to be especially difficult. some of those answer choices really seemed identical. there was also quite an emphasis on cell/molecular bio stuff, antibody stuff, and other hard stuff. it seemed like the test writers were clairvoyant, cause there was practically nothing on the exam that i was good at, like ochem, and alot of stuff i was iffy on. 8-10 perhaps?


overall, i feel i did terribly. i guessed on so much, which isn't out of the ordinary for my practice tests, but having to guess on so much on the real deal makes me feel like arse right now. anyway, i'm drinking all this mcat stuff away.

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Guest Laurabest

i had form DK:

-i thought the physics was SO difficult! i don't know, is it just me? it's all so hazy, i barely remember any of it; there were so many experiment-based passages, i'm so so dissapointed. i scored consistent 11s and 12s in past aamc physics exams, but i really think i bombed this physics one.

did anybody else find DK physics really obscure?

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Guest leviathan

First off, how do the test forms differ? I thought EVERYONE wrote the same exam, but it sounds like you can end up with a heck of a lot of different exams in any given year?


I had form AJ.


Physical was REALLY simple to start off with, just basic stoichiometry questions and acid/base reactions, titrations, etc...Then it got into some semi-hard stuff on circuits and christmas lights. Another question about sound and constructive destructive interference...It got really hard near the end with lots of quantum physics that required you to think critically about how the wavelengths would deviate from the formula for line spectra based on certain modified conditions.


Verbal was super easy. The only two passages that were semi-difficult was one on natural selection whose questions were very vague, and another on iceberg formation.


Biological was moderately hard. I was so thankful that there was little organic as I have not taken it yet, and the organic that WAS on the exam was mostly really easy (eg. what functional group is this, how many stereocentres are in this molecule, etc). I noticed there was very little physiology, but the stuff that was there was really easy. Finally, all of the genetics and experimental questions were VERY complex, though not very hard, just questions you needed time to think through.


I had the same writing passages as everyone else, and I had never practiced doing any written all summer as I did not take a course, or bother writing them on my own. Still, I found I had just enough time to write both of them and fulfill all of the necessary requirements (eg. clarifying the statement, giving examples, counter-examples, and defining when one condition rules over another).


Overall, I really have no idea how my scores will be, but I know that all of the practice AAMC exams I was usually getting >30, and I felt like the real thing today did not deviate too much from how the practice ones were diffculty-wise. I'm cautiously optimistic, but definitely knocking on wood. :)

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Guest Laurabest

sounds like your physics was totally different: DK physics had so many experiment-based passages, the whole thing was a nightmare, there was this Millikan oi-drop version of the experiment, some oscillating electric field between some plates, this distillation apparatus with 2 inflatable bags in it; i know, it all sounds ridiculous b/c i didn't have time to read most of the passages and so couldn't understand what the heck i was doing.

-hoping for a favourable bell curve

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Guest DoNair

I had form BT.


PS: Not too bad. There was a couple of passages (physics based) that I wasn't entirely sure on. I skipped em and did the rest of the section which was easy. I came back to the hard passages and ended up guessing on most. Not because of a lack of time but because I didn't know wtf was going on. My guess: 9-11 (got 11 and 12 last 2 times)


VR: My first good VR in a while. Just one passage I had to guess at but it only had 5 questions. And they were narrowed down guesses, so a 9 or 10 is possible. (got 9 and 7 last times)


WS: Same as everyone else, I figure at least a 3 on each essay (maybe 4's), so anywhere from O-Q (hopefully.) I'd be very satisfied with that especially considering I got N and M last 2 times.


BS: Rocked the casbah on this one! There was only ONE organic passage total and it was really easy. Just a series of reactions and you had to say what reagents would cause the function group to change. The bio stuff was easy, especially considering I did a BSc in Pharmacology, which was VERY related to the passages. Finished about 20 mins early too! My Guess: 11-12 maybe 13 if I'm really lucky. (I got 10 and 12 last times.)


Good luck to everyone else. And don't worry about the scorings. I did an AAMC practice test last week and was so pissed off about the PS section. I thought I got a 7 or 8 but when I marked it I got a 10 (1 question away from an 11.) It all comes down to the scaling and from what I heard from people at the test centre, it's looking good!

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Guest arjuna83

Hi Laurabest,


I should have elaborated more in my response re: the physical sciences section. Physical sciences is (usually) my strongest section, so compared to the other sections this was relatively easy for me.


I too noticed that there was an excess of experiment-based passages, and that many of the related questions required our understanding of the experiment in question (remember the question in the first passage where they asked what volume those glass beads should be?).


What did you think of biological sciences? All those molecular bio passages lumped together in the front freaked me out at first! they were doable; it was just so tiring to think out the answers :\ I didn't think the remaining passages were too troublesome.


Anyways good luck with your scores! here's hoping that you get what you want :)

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Had form BN

PS, seemed pretty much on part with AAMC 7/8, probably my strongest section though overall.


VR, not too bad, tad long, did the 2 10 question passages first to get them out of the way, finished with ~1/2 min left


WS, same prompts as above, all just bs anyways.


BS, where the heck was my trusty reliable orgo?? Had only 1 orgo passage and a few discreets on it. I'd say 90% of BS was cell/molecular bio/genetics stuff. No physiology or body systems or anything at all either, wtf. Didn't think it was a fair representation of the topics, so really not sure how i'll score on this one.


Oh well, now the two month wait for scores, yay!.......

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Guest wab8611

wow..!! i never thought you would have to wait that long for scores. it seems that the process of getting into med is all about sitting on the edge of your seat.. so stressful?


well congrats to you all..:rollin for finishing




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Guest Elaine I

I had BG.


I found the physics section to be heavy on chemistry, which I liked. Most of the questions were quite straight forward. For the first time ever, I finished with time to spare. I anticipate a good mark on this section.


For some reason, I had a lot of trouble concentrating during the verbal reasoning section. I was sitting by the door, and the constant in and out didn't help. That said, I don't want to make excuses. I'm just not sure that I did as well as I would have liked, or as well as I've done on my practice tests. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that I will get my goal of 10, but we'll see.


The essays went well - same topics as everyone else. For the first one, I defined a great leader as someone with both followers and strong morals and ethics. I contrasted Pope John Paul with Prime Minister Cretien, stating that they both had led to positive social change (increased acceptance of others and decreased deficit/unemployment rates), but that only one of these men was truly great, due to Chretien's involvement in the sponsorship scandal. I stretched it a bit, but hope that I was clear enough to earn the marks I need.


For the second essay, I talked about general internet searches resulting in too many and uncredible results. I contrasted that to searches using virtual libraries, such as that at Athabasca University, where more information leads to better, more specific and relevant information. I'm hopeful that I'll get a Q on this section (which is what I got the last time I wrote the MCAT).


I liked the bio section. There was only one orgo passage (!!) worth 5 marks, and only 12 marks on orgo total. While my molecular bio knowledge might not be as strong as my physiology, it is definately superior to my orgo knowledge! The only thing that worried me a bit was that I ended up with a very unusual patterns of bubbles - up to five of one letter in a row... I'm hopeful that I'll get a good mark on this section.


Overall, other than verbal, I think the test went well. Unfortunately, I was writing soley because of verbal. So, I'll just wait and see. I don't think that the sciences or writing could have gone better, even if I had studied more. The verbal could have gone better, but I'm not sure that I could have been better prepared. For now, I'm going to wait and see. If it doesn't happen, then I will be disappointed, but not devistated. It may just not be meant to be. Time will tell!


I wish everyone success on their applications, and double-digits come mid-October!



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Guest FastEddy

I had form BP


I am very nervous, more nervous now than before the test even. Its that VR! Yikes, I just feel I did poorly, and like Meddream, I really really don't want to spend another summer on this stuff just to up my VR.


Going into this I thought I was going nab a score that would impress. My expectations have changed; now I just hope to meet admission commitee hurdles.


By the way,

PS: great, I think I was strong here

WS: tidy, easy to write about prompts. I think it went ok

BS: Emphasis on molecular genetics and the immune system threw me off, would have liked to have seen more conceptual Orgo (I don't like the "choose that reagent" Qs) ...


I don't know what to expect.

Anyway, It's over! Got to put it behind me.


Best of Luck with all your scores!


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Guest UBCstu

Physical- pretty easy


Verbal-this is the first time out of all the practice tests I did that I did not finish and had to guess at the last passage


WS- not sure


Biological- okay, but I don't think there was enough orgo and not an equal representation of all the biological sciences


overall, not too good. the verbal really bummed me out:::(

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Guest studentz

hey leviathan,


The different forms are just that--different. They are supposed to have, statistically, the same difficulty but it's entirely possible that one form may have more questions in a certain area than another. While overall the forms may have equal difficulty, individual writers may have more trouble with one version of the test than with another depending on what they are comfortable with and what is emphasized in the forms they receive.


Hope it works out well for everyone!

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Guest Laurabest



-after talking to some people who also had form DK, it sounds like the consensus is that it was harder than past aamc exams so hopefully there will be a nice bell-curve

-did you think the verbal was easier than usual or is it just me?

-the bio was tricky but doable b/c i've taken both molecular bio and genetics (have never taken organic chem and so was really lucky that there were only 2 passages!)


arjuna83, just to set my mind at rest, do you remember the passage with 2 colliding objects (it looked like a momentum diagram). well i didn't get to it and so i bubbled in all 'C' answers. i know it's a long shot, but do you remember if any of the answers were 'C's??? this passage corresponds to the top of the second column on the answer sheet, if that helps jog the memory ;)

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Guest leviathan

Hey Elaine,


That's pretty much exactly what I wrote for the Internet essay...I think everyone wrote the exact same thing, which might affect our scores for that one when the markers have to read the exact same response over and over about the abundance of incredible links and then using academic search engines. :(

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Guest arjuna83

Hi Laurabest,


I remember the colliding objects passage, but cannot quite remember the answers now. There may have been a couple of "c" answers; my memory fails me. Sorry!


As for verbal, I think it was just testing nervousness on my part. I've been finishing practice verbal tests quite comfortably (scores between 10 and 11). I felt a bit uneasy about the religion/economy and the value of art passages.

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Guest iac549

I thought physical science was really tough, there wasn't much general chemistry i thought, and most of the physics was really tough. I definately thought it was harder than aamc's practice tests.


The verbal section went fairly well for me.


I thought the biological science was tougher than aamc's practice tests, but perhaps that's just me.

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Guest potential md

Did anyone else have two different exam codes for the physical sciences and biological sciences sections? Everyone is describing it like they just had one version. I had BP for Physical Sciences (ok - I actually finished for once) and EL for Biological Sciences (v. heavy on gene stuff and only 1 org chem section - very unbalanced).


I'm getting a little antsy hearing that everyone else seemed to have the same form of both PS & BS. Thoughts?


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