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McMaster Application

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Hey guys,


Is there any way to circumvent the 3.0 GPA requirement at McMaster? From my understanding, U of T has a section of the application where one can explain poor grades. Does McMaster have a similar application segment? I read about the special applicant pool, but that's for part time students with excellent ECs.


Thanks in advance!

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I'm not sure specifically about whether or not you could get an exception to apply, but with the way McMaster's application process works, it still likely wouldn't be worth it.


The pre-interview score is 32% GPA, 32% VR, and 32% CASPER. The GPA score isn't on a linear scale, it's based on z-score - in other words, if your GPA is 3.0 (out of 4.0), you might expect your GPA score at Mac to be 3/4 of the possible total - i.e. 24% out of the possible 32%. That isn't how it works, though; it's based on standard deviations from the mean, and if you were somehow allowed to apply with a 3.0, that's pretty much guaranteed to be the lowest GPA in the applicant pool (based on the regular guidelines) and you'd end up with a zero for your GPA score.


Because of that, I would guess that Mac wouldn't give an exception, just because it wouldn't help given the way the system works. At U of T, the criteria for receiving an interview are less rigid, which is probably why they're able to offer exceptions like that.

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Hey guys,


Is there any way to circumvent the 3.0 GPA requirement at McMaster? From my understanding, U of T has a section of the application where one can explain poor grades. Does McMaster have a similar application segment? I read about the special applicant pool, but that's for part time students with excellent ECs.

Thanks in advance!


For Mac or U of T? I dont think Mac has anything for part time students....does it?


But as BlurstofTimes explained it would make it unworth it. UNLESS you have an awesome VR ...like a 14-15 and do AMAZING on casper...but those are two things you cant really control :/

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