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Nervous, seeking advice


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I've been racking my brain all day trying to decide on what to do with my MCAT.


I have been studying hard for the VR section since I did not have time to study properly and thought I would give McMaster a shot. I'll be taking it again 100% in April 2014, which will be my 4th time.


Now I'm having creeping thoughts about how American schools may look down on my MCAT history...


Should I just cancel my MCAT and completely miss out on this years apps? Or am I already a red flag for American schools and just give it my best shot? :confused:

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I've always thought that writing the MCAT just for the verbal section sounded like a bad idea. What were your previous scores like? Do you think you can get a decent score on BS and PS as well as VR?


Also, if you cancel your test this year, you are only missing out on submitting a McMaster application correct? Is your GPA competitive for McMaster? You should evaluate your chance at an interview for Mac.


I'd probably wait and give the April test your 100% - but that's just my two cents. You have to do what you think is best!

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I've always thought that writing the MCAT just for the verbal section sounded like a bad idea. What were your previous scores like? Do you think you can get a decent score on BS and PS as well as VR?


Also, if you cancel your test this year, you are only missing out on submitting a McMaster application correct? Is your GPA competitive for McMaster? You should evaluate your chance at an interview for Mac.


I'd probably wait and give the April test your 100% - but that's just my two cents. You have to do what you think is best!



At this point, no I don't think I could score well on the other sections (My previous MCATs are not competitive as well, although they do make UofT's cutoffs).


My cGpa is ~3.6-3.7 I can't quite remember what it was with my summer courses, which is not horrible per say. I noticed that others had gotten an interview with a decent VR + Casper (I'm currently scoring 11's/12's on VR)

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I don't know...


I guess it depends on a) how much you want to apply to the US and how you will think it will affect your application and B) your estimated probability of getting into Mac this round and c) how much waiting a year to apply more broadly will means to you.


Best of luck.

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I don't know...


I guess it depends on a) how much you want to apply to the US and how you will think it will affect your application and B) your estimated probability of getting into Mac this round and c) how much waiting a year to apply more broadly will means to you.


Best of luck.


Thanks for the insight! I'm starting to realize only I can make this decision since there really is no right answer. I wish I had a crystal ball :o

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I know it is tough, you just have to weigh your pro's and con's.


Do you still have a year of UG left? Raising your GPA in your last year (if eligibile for weighting) will give you a better shot in Canada and you might not have to worry about going to the US. For me, the States was never an option because tuition is so high! I just had to take some extra time and apply twice.

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