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unintended bias toward mature applicants?

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You mean bias against? I'm not sure. My problem is that I've been a grad student for the past 5 years, so I have to use things like histopathological animal work and tissue engineering type research as medical experience (is it even?). I have a lot of other stuff that I did when I was an undergrad, but that was over 5 years ago. :mad:

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Hey guys - Just spoke with Carolyn via email, and you can definitely add things that you did >5 years ago. She told me that the five year rule is only there because the majority of applicants are undergrads who went to university right after high school. Apparently they want to discourage applicants from discussing extra-curriculars that were done while in high school. So if you got 'em, put 'em :)

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Can anyone else confirm this??



Hey guys - Just spoke with Carolyn via email, and you can definitely add things that you did >5 years ago. She told me that the five year rule is only there because the majority of applicants are undergrads who went to university right after high school. Apparently they want to discourage applicants from discussing extra-curriculars that were done while in high school. So if you got 'em, put 'em :)
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I mean, I can post the email that she sent me.







The 5 year rule is more so set for applicants entering the final year of their degree when applying. The admissions committee does not want to see activities completed during high school. If you have activities you completed during your post-secondary education and you feel are substantial to your application then it is fine to include them.

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