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Hey Guys I'm going into my second year of sciences and had a couple of questions!


1) What were your schedules like?


A dentist I know said his method was taking all the pre-reqs and taking alot of easy classes to boost his GPA.


My main concern with this method is while my GPA might be high wouldn't the Dental Schools notice that I took alot of random classes such as Environmental Earth Sciences (considered very easy at my school) and Sociology (again another easy class)??


2) What was your GPA when you applied and how many schools did you apply too?


Again the same guy said to apply to as many schools as possible all over Canada and USA


3) Any tips for an aspiring Dentist?


Thanks again!

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Hey Guys I'm going into my second year of sciences and had a couple of questions!


1) What were your schedules like?


A dentist I know said his method was taking all the pre-reqs and taking alot of easy classes to boost his GPA.


My main concern with this method is while my GPA might be high wouldn't the Dental Schools notice that I took alot of random classes such as Environmental Earth Sciences (considered very easy at my school) and Sociology (again another easy class)??


2) What was your GPA when you applied and how many schools did you apply too?


Again the same guy said to apply to as many schools as possible all over Canada and USA


3) Any tips for an aspiring Dentist?


Thanks again!


1) POL SCI - Poitics-3rd world

PHYCH - Personality

ECON - Intro:MicroEconomi

PEACH ST - Peace Building Thru health


Conversation skills

2) Best 2Ys 3.88 Canada - 4 States - 6

3) You can do Implants free for your parents.

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