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where to buy Verbal exam krackers!!

Guest eager2bdoc

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Guest eager2bdoc

hi guys


i have searched the whole amazon and ebay website for Verbal Exam krackers, but they have the complete package which i dont need 'cause i m taking TPR. so any suggestions where to go about this? also is there any of u here who might want to sell there VERBAL examcrakers? please do reply to this or email me @ this address.


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Guest eager2bdoc



i ordered it on amazon, do you guys know, if it arrvies within 1-4 business days or a bit longer?



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Guest Madz25

I remember last year I ordered my copy on a Tuesday night and it arrived on Thursday morning (the same week). A little over a day, not bad.



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Guest Mazd A Mino

I went on amazon, and chapters. On both sites, it states that the book is "Not Available". How were you able to order? Is there another site from which I can order the book?



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Guest eager2bdoc

hi i ordered from the website that Madz gave, but today i recieved the mail that the item is not available and will take approximately 2-3 weeks to be shipped....so now i m really scared :( what do you guys think? should i cancel my order? is there anywhere else where i can get it shippped faster?


i really want it and NEED it dearly....


any advises? if i were to wait then it would be so close to the MCAT and i would not be able to complete all the passages and it would be sooo late


any advise would be appreciated or any one here selling there's ????


thanks a lot




P.S. should i just only work with my verbal workbook by TPR then???

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Guest Madz25



I remember last year a few of my classmates for the princeton review course ran into this problem. There is probably a large number of students wanting the book that they run out. Unfortunately, the students in my class couldn't get it in time (it was shipped before the MCAT test date but way too close to the actual exam date to go through it properly).


I would suggest trying to find someone who is selling it second hand. That would be your best bet at this point. How about ebay??? Has anyone tried going to the stores themselves to see if the book is there?


eager2bdoc - I suggest working through the TPR material for now. They do provide a lot of passages. Also, you will find by the time the course is over that there are a lot of passages in the compendium that you don't do in class. That provides at least a few additional passages to go through.


Hope things work out, good luck!



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Guest eager2bdoc

thanks guys!!! i ordered it from examkracker and i called them, the guy said that it will be shipped around 6-10 days. so hopefully i can now get it ..



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Gem2005



I bought the complete examcracker series. Although I heard that verbal in EXC is very good, I find it completely deviates from Kaplan strategy. Is the book recommanded above the same style as EXC?


Also, does anyone know which strategy works best, EXC (do not read the passage, read questions) or Kaplan (focus on passage first(topic, scope)?




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Guest Elaine I

Could you expand a little on the Examkracker strategy for the VR passages? I'm working my way through the EK 101 book, but since I didn't buy the rest of the series, don't know what strategies they suggest.


Thanks for the info,


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Guest PerfectMoment

i think you've got the examkrackers strategy all wrong man. if anything, their main thing is to READ the passage. i think it's the most intuitive of any of the approaches to VR, and there are a great many people that seem to say that it's also the best, after having tried both princeton's and kaplans strategies.


their strategy is as follows:

-read the passage like you would a novel or a newspaper (ie: not for detail, but to understand what the "plot" is)

-read at your normal pace

-read the passages in consecutive order and not skipping around

-do not annotate or underline anything

-take 5 seconds before each passage to allow your brain to rest, so that you can focus on the passage

-after reading the passage, take a few seconds to develop the main idea, tone, etc in your head

-analyze the question stems (ie: answers that are out of the scope of the passage, answers that are too extreme, etc)

-answer the questions, taking care not to refer back to the passage as much as possible



that's pretty much it, intuitive, but it seems to be working for me.

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i used the exam krackers method and ended up getting a 12 on the real thing up from around an 8 on the mock test. The suggestion to rest for 5 seconds between each passage really helped so that you wouldnt be thinking about a previous passage while your reading the next one.


good luck



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