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Big Tips/Pointers for VR


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I know this is probably a repeated post but I feel I need some more advice from those who have been getting 11+ on verbal sectin and have found some great techniques that helped them in the process.


The problem is I really want to get into Mac, but my cGpa isnt high at all (mid 3.6ish) but I check the stats and I see people getting in with those kinds of gpa's so theres a big contribution to other factors (caspr, mmi, and definitely VR score)


I havent written my mcat yet, but I have 5 months to prepare with little-no distractions so I feel theres plenty of time to ace the other sections, however looking at posts on here and my friends, and it seems that VR is the hardest to fix and scores wont change much even in length of time studied.. so im getting worried because I needa high VR for mac due to my gpa (12+) to have any hopes at it.


Other than doing practice passages, what do u recommend/what did u find useful for me doing now and throughout my prep for verbal to ensure im studying rite and do improve to score high? Should i be doing lesiure reading of related materials to practice my comprehension etc? Am i just overreacting and everything should go smooth with following my prep course and doing passages consecutively in those 5 months? Im really just looking for many tips on going in the right direction without being held up or giving up on myself, to know how i can improve to do well even though i feel i may not be a natural at it...basically, how did u guys go about it to achieve a high VR score? Details help!..thnx!!

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I know this is probably a repeated post but I feel I need some more advice from those who have been getting 11+ on verbal sectin and have found some great techniques that helped them in the process.


The problem is I really want to get into Mac, but my cGpa isnt high at all (mid 3.6ish) but I check the stats and I see people getting in with those kinds of gpa's so theres a big contribution to other factors (caspr, mmi, and definitely VR score)


I havent written my mcat yet, but I have 5 months to prepare with little-no distractions so I feel theres plenty of time to ace the other sections, however looking at posts on here and my friends, and it seems that VR is the hardest to fix and scores wont change much even in length of time studied.. so im getting worried because I needa high VR for mac due to my gpa (12+) to have any hopes at it.


Other than doing practice passages, what do u recommend/what did u find useful for me doing now and throughout my prep for verbal to ensure im studying rite and do improve to score high? Should i be doing lesiure reading of related materials to practice my comprehension etc? Am i just overreacting and everything should go smooth with following my prep course and doing passages consecutively in those 5 months? Im really just looking for many tips on going in the right direction without being held up or giving up on myself, to know how i can improve to do well even though i feel i may not be a natural at it...basically, how did u guys go about it to achieve a high VR score? Details help!..thnx!!


Practice a lot. Get Ek1001 Verbal and the princeton review verbal workbook and DO ALL the passages. Try out different strategies to see what works for you. For me, I find that going back to the passage sometimes helps. I would not recommend reading more extra material (eg. Economist) to improve VR scores since I know people with very good reading skills with poor VR scores when they first start out.

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I know this is probably a repeated post but I feel I need some more advice from those who have been getting 11+ on verbal sectin and have found some great techniques that helped them in the process.


The problem is I really want to get into Mac, but my cGpa isnt high at all (mid 3.6ish) but I check the stats and I see people getting in with those kinds of gpa's so theres a big contribution to other factors (caspr, mmi, and definitely VR score)


I havent written my mcat yet, but I have 5 months to prepare with little-no distractions so I feel theres plenty of time to ace the other sections, however looking at posts on here and my friends, and it seems that VR is the hardest to fix and scores wont change much even in length of time studied.. so im getting worried because I needa high VR for mac due to my gpa (12+) to have any hopes at it.


Other than doing practice passages, what do u recommend/what did u find useful for me doing now and throughout my prep for verbal to ensure im studying rite and do improve to score high? Should i be doing lesiure reading of related materials to practice my comprehension etc? Am i just overreacting and everything should go smooth with following my prep course and doing passages consecutively in those 5 months? Im really just looking for many tips on going in the right direction without being held up or giving up on myself, to know how i can improve to do well even though i feel i may not be a natural at it...basically, how did u guys go about it to achieve a high VR score? Details help!..thnx!!


I wrote the MCAT 3 times aiming for a high VR score, getting 10 on each of my first 2 attempts and a 12 on my latest. For me, at least, the only thing that could produce a measurable improvement was practice.


EK101 is a fantastic resource, but I was doing it untimed and when it came down to the real thing I felt rushed and ultimately wasn't able to properly finish the section. You should definitely use it but if you're allowing yourself any conditions that are different from the actual test, try to fix them closer to the test date.


However, the most important thing in my opinion was the AAMC practice tests - they're the only ones with actual VR questions, they follow that exact format and timing as the real thing, and there is no substitute when it comes to trying to improve VR in my opinion. It sucks to pay $35 per test for 8 tests but that was the difference between 10 and 12 VR for me, and I would have much rather payed the extra money the first time then needed to re-write and pay for the tests anyways. This test is pretty important and you should give yourself every advantage you can.

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I wrote the MCAT 3 times aiming for a high VR score, getting 10 on each of my first 2 attempts and a 12 on my latest. For me, at least, the only thing that could produce a measurable improvement was practice.


EK101 is a fantastic resource, but I was doing it untimed and when it came down to the real thing I felt rushed and ultimately wasn't able to properly finish the section. You should definitely use it but if you're allowing yourself any conditions that are different from the actual test, try to fix them closer to the test date.


However, the most important thing in my opinion was the AAMC practice tests - they're the only ones with actual VR questions, they follow that exact format and timing as the real thing, and there is no substitute when it comes to trying to improve VR in my opinion. It sucks to pay $35 per test for 8 tests but that was the difference between 10 and 12 VR for me, and I would have much rather payed the extra money the first time then needed to re-write and pay for the tests anyways. This test is pretty important and you should give yourself every advantage you can.


That's still a v.good score.

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