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Age-old question.. Which book to buy!!?


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So I've been going around premed forum and Student Doctor and been trying to figure out exactly which MCAT books to get. I wanted to get the opinions of people who especially have written it recently (in the past few years).


I plan on studying on the side hopefully for the next 6 months or so. I'm willing to spend a fair amount of money on books. Definitely not going to go through the courses route as I've heard from almost everyone that it was a waste of resources.


I would like books for all sections as my plan is to just steamroll through all the materials, do practice problems, find my weaknesses and focus from there. So which books would you recommend to get?

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If you already have a strong science background the examkrackers books are extremely focused on MCAT material and should be adequate for review. I have many friends (including myself) who scored 33+ through using those books and the 101 passages in verbal.


However if you have the time and resources the Sn2ED schedule is more comprehensive and is also probably one of the best ways to prepare

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