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A Few More ABS Questions

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Hi everyone,


I have a few more questions about the ABS that I would appreciate your insight on.


1) Can we list a small range for the number of hours we've devoted to an activity (e.g. 2-3 hours/week)?


2) Should the "From" date be the date that I was accepted for a position or the date that I officially started a position (There have been some positions that I was selected for in April for instance but did not start till Aug or Sept.)?


3) What should be included in the "Other" section? I've read on the forum that it is best to present a well-balanced sketch with entries in all categories. I have not listed anything under "Other." I've read mixed reviews on listing hobbies. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I know some of the questions are very simple and may not matter at all but I'm trying to be as careful as possible.


Thank you all in advance,



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Hi everyone,


I have a few more questions about the ABS that I would appreciate your insight on.


1) Can we list a small range for the number of hours we've devoted to an activity (e.g. 2-3 hours/week)?


2) Should the "From" date be the date that I was accepted for a position or the date that I officially started a position (There have been some positions that I was selected for in April for instance but did not start till Aug or Sept.)?


3) What should be included in the "Other" section? I've read on the forum that it is best to present a well-balanced sketch with entries in all categories. I have not listed anything under "Other." I've read mixed reviews on listing hobbies. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I know some of the questions are very simple and may not matter at all but I'm trying to be as careful as possible.


Thank you all in advance,




1) Yes.


2)The date you officially started your position.


3) You don't have to list anything in the "Other" category if all your activities fit neatly in one of the other categories. You don't need to have entries in all categories - this is a myth, and the "Other" category is just there if you want to list something significant that you did but that you can't really fit elsewhere.

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