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MCAT Scores


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Check out this link from the official AAMC MCAT website:




Scroll down and read this:


Voiding your Exam


The AAMC offers you an option to void your MCAT® exam if you are uneasy with your performance and do not wish your test to be scored. This opportunity occurs at the end of your exam.


Please refer to the MCAT Essentials [PDF document] for more information about voiding your exam.

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I'd think carefully about voiding. I felt absolutely terrible after my MCAT (ran out of time on PS and was really frazzled for VR) and told my family and friends that I'd probably have to wait another year and re-write (wrote late August); I even tried to book a September sitting to re-write before my scores came in, but none were available.


Despite all that, I ended up with a 37 (12/11/14).


If your goal is to attend a Canadian medical school, they generally look only at your most recent score or (in some cases) your best, so having an historical bad score will not necessarily hurt your chances.


To me it's not worth the risk of voiding a potentially good score but everyone's different.

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