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UBC/Vancouver Waitlist students

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Hey guys,


Looking like we never really had a shot at getting in. To be fair, UBC never even really said they had a waitlist, its just the years before where they had 30+ students get in off the waitlist, admittedly, made me give my hopes up.


The reason I am making this thread is that it is highly likely that many of us will once again be interviewed, should we choose to apply to UBC again. Given that we were the guinea pig year of their interview process, why don't we pool our resources (and memories) and practice for their the interview and PBL together. I know coming out of the interview I felt good about it, but of course there are things I would change and different approaches I could take.


I really think we could help each other. So, people who are going to be in Vancouver this year, would you like to get together and practise for the interview and PBL? Open invitation. PM me or reply if you are interested. I will be living at Kits so I would be more than happy to meet at UBC.


Best to everyone here. I know how you feel, trust me. I also got waitlisted at UWO, so yeah I know the mix of emotions you are feeling. Hoping some of us make the last second hail mary acceptance off the waitlist, but I have a propensity to be realistic/pessimistic at this point of the summer.


where did u hear that 30+ get off the waitlist in previous years? Ive never heard that rumor

only about 5 get in from what I kno

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where did u hear that 30+ get off the waitlist in previous years? Ive never heard that rumor

only about 5 get in from what I kno


Supposedly this used to happen back in the day before UBC designated between IP and OOP. UBC sent out acceptances before any of the other schools, and then when students were accepted to their home school, they dropped their acceptances at UBC. There are old threads on this forum you can dig up if you're ever bored haha.

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