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ABS Statements

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Hi Everyone,


Thank you in advance for your comments.


For the 250 word statements required about your 3 most important items from the ABS, would it be acceptable to use my Master's thesis (in progress) as one of these items.


I have no publications (aside from multiple conference abstracts), and this is an important accomplishment and a good way to explain my research contributions.


I could use a conference abstract and relate it back but this seems a little higher impact. Please let me know your opinions.

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In my opinion, if you think that your master's thesis is one of the 3 most important ABS items, then by all means you should write about it. A masters project is undoubtedly an important aspect of someone's life and involves many hours and hardwork (as you clearly already know) so don't be shy to tell them about it. Remember that there is nothing specific that the adcom is looking for, so be true to yourself and that will most definitely resonate with them. This is YOUR chance to directly tell them a story on paper about who you are, what you've done, and the things you are most proud of - so use the opportunity to your advantage!


Best of luck!

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