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panic mode...why do i do this to myself?

Guest larasmith

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Guest larasmith

i'm majorly freaking out now. i meant to start studying for this like two months ago...but i've only really started three days ago. actually i even posted a message saying i started two months ago...but i haven't done anything since that one day i read one chapter lol. so i got back my first full length last week and only received 7-6-6 S ps-bs-vr. writing sample is good but everything else is poor. i hate myself for this. am i the only one who's just started? and am i officially screwed for this? i was hoping to break into the mid thirties, but i guess that ain't gonna happen.

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Guest pazas

You have tons of time left. I only started two weeks before the exam and got a 38R. 7.6.6. is a good baseline score. Just make sure you do a lot of practice tests. That's what brings up your score the most. Good luck.

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Guest HenryTheBig


If you're an arts students who has had no science background whatsoever...no physics, no chem, no bio...then I'd say you're screwed unless you're Einstein. If you have quite a bit of science background...I wouldn't sweat it. Many of my friends who are in science only start 2 weeks before. One of my friends started 2 days before but this guy is quite brilliant. He ended up with a 30 with basically no studying.


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Guest larasmith

I'm a science major, and have done two years. But I agree, if an arts major started now, then might as well not write it. That's crazy how you're friend got a thirty with only two days of studying. I wish I were that smart.


Yes, my writing sample was graded through a MCAT course (Kaplan). One of the instructors graded everyone's sample, so I'm not sure how accurate that mark would be had a real MCAT marker marked it.

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Guest HenryTheBig


Kaplan doesn't really know how the writing sample is marked. They only have a rough idea of what the MCAT people want. If you get very good marks in Kaplan, then I'd say your on the right track. However, the other scores (v/p/b) are very accurate to what you'd get on the real thing. Most of my friends who take Kaplan get the exact same score on the real MCAT (+/- 1 point usually) as their last practice test. Verbal is the hardest to pick up so I'd work on that. Bio and phys are not very hard to pick up.


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