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research section

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From what I know it's best to put it in the volunteer section but if your research section is lacking I believe some people have put volunteer research in that section.


If you were volunteering, but you had your own research project which resulted in conferences, publications, etc (ie. not just cleaning test tubes), wouldn't that be considered more research than volunteering?

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yes i think in that case it should be in the research section...


however if you volunteered in a lab for 5 years which resulted in a pub.. you would put the 5 years of volunteering of course in the volunteer section, and the pub in 'research'


thanks for your replies

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yes i think in that case it should be in the research section...


however if you volunteered in a lab for 5 years which resulted in a pub.. you would put the 5 years of volunteering of course in the volunteer section, and the pub in 'research'


thanks for your replies


Exactly! Enter it in both volunteering and research with the research portion focused on what type of research you did and the volunteering portion focused on more what you learned and your experience in a lab.

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