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Undergraduate student with a publication


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Realistically, how good does it look to have one? I have the opportunity to get my name in a paper this year, but it is going to require a lot of time and work which I could potentially be diverting elsewhere to expand my EC's. I already have plenty of research experience so this would just be an "added bonus" so to speak..


Thanks in advance.

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That is a difficult one.


I believe being well rounded is crucial. I never did any research in undergrad. Being published does look good but depth of experience within the community is more important, I feel. Others may have different views. As you have research experience already, I agree that it may be a bonus but the hours devoted to other activities may prove to be more beneficial. Why not go for what interests you more!

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Thank you for the reply, f_d!


It certainly is a tough decision. I really enjoy doing research, and I am in love with the topic I am doing research on. However, I agree with you in that it is more important to be a well rounded student, but also showing passion and commitment in the EC's that I already have. I had absolutely no intention of doing research for the sole purpose of getting a pub. However, I fear that if i let this opportunity go by I will regret it in the future :(

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Well then, let me know (even if by PM) your ECs and year of study, and I can give you a more informed viewpoint.


When MMI time came, it was smack in the middle of finals. What to do? I made the decision in a nano second not to prepare for the MMI as I could always apply next cycle but GPA stays with me forever. I did well in exams and could have done better for the MMI but was waitlisted until I got off the list.

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