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High School Academic Awards

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Hi there,


I am wondering if I should a couple of high school academic awards I've won for being in the top 2% in a lot of my Grade 12 courses (they were essentially just one of those recognition papers), or would this be considered padding?


I also have some awards I won at dance competitions when I was in senior year high school (gold medals, judge's awards, Performance award) and was wondering if I should put those as well or are they not that significant? I feel I am pretty lacking in the Awards and Accomplishments section of the application.


Some feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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think of it this way, if you dont have 48 better entries would you rather leave them blank or list some of these impressive distinctions? besides in the application the tell you clearly to list activities/honors since the age of 16, probably for situations like this one. best of luck!

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Hi there,


I am wondering if I should a couple of high school academic awards I've won for being in the top 2% in a lot of my Grade 12 courses (they were essentially just one of those recognition papers), or would this be considered padding?


I also have some awards I won at dance competitions when I was in senior year high school (gold medals, judge's awards, Performance award) and was wondering if I should put those as well or are they not that significant? I feel I am pretty lacking in the Awards and Accomplishments section of the application.


Some feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Put them on your abs. I don't think it's padding. I put them and it was fine :)

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