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chance me please

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I am trying to evaluate if I should bother applying here... I am an Ontario resident and just graduated from the BMSc program at UWO with a GPA in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year of 3.56, 3.8, 3.97, 3.88, respectively. I read on their site that they do not look at 1st year GPA if you have graduated, so that helps me. I believe my wGPA is 3.9. However, I don't think my ABS is great... I know they take ABS into account when sending out interviews, but I am not sure just how heavily it is weighed in the interview selection process? Here is my "top 3"...


Employment: None throughout university. Starting soon for my gap year.


Volunteer: ~ 2 academic years of tutoring children/adults (120 hours), 3 summers volunteering in the ER (~180 hours), volunteered at a homeless shelter (~35 hours)


EC's: Guitar (do cover songs/make music with my younger nephews), physician shadowing (family med: ~60 hours, radiology: ~16 hours, emergency med: during my time volunteering at the hospital), Yoga (don't judge, it's actually hard)


Awards: Entrance scholarship, Western Alumni Scholarship, Graduated with "distinction" for being on the Dean's List for all 4 years (I think that is the reason?)


Research: I volunteered in a lab for one summer. About 60 hours. I hated it. Not sure if the research I completed for my Honors can be included in this section? I am looking for a RA spot right now.


Do I have a decent shot given my sub-par EC's?


Thank you

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I am trying to evaluate if I should bother applying here... I am an Ontario resident and just graduated from the BMSc program at UWO with a GPA in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year of 3.56, 3.8, 3.97, 3.88, respectively. I read on their site that they do not look at 1st year GPA if you have graduated, so that helps me. I believe my wGPA is 3.9. However, I don't think my ABS is great... I know they take ABS into account when sending out interviews, but I am not sure just how heavily it is weighed in the interview selection process? Here is my "top 3"...


Employment: None throughout university. Starting soon for my gap year.


Volunteer: ~ 2 academic years of tutoring children/adults (120 hours), 3 summers volunteering in the ER (~180 hours), volunteered at a homeless shelter (~35 hours)


EC's: Guitar (do cover songs/make music with my younger nephews), physician shadowing (family med: ~60 hours, radiology: ~16 hours, emergency med: during my time volunteering at the hospital), Yoga (don't judge, it's actually hard)


Awards: Entrance scholarship, Western Alumni Scholarship, Graduated with "distinction" for being on the Dean's List for all 4 years (I think that is the reason?)


Research: I volunteered in a lab for one summer. About 60 hours. I hated it. Not sure if the research I completed for my Honors can be included in this section? I am looking for a RA spot right now.


Do I have a decent shot given my sub-par EC's?


Thank you



You didnt' interview anywhere with those stats, not even Mac?

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I don't think your ABS is sub-par at all. Ottawa will only look at your top 3 in each category so it doesn't matter how many total ABS items you have. Maybe your research is not as heavy as your other sections but many new and current uottawa med students have no experience/interest in research. The secret present your items well.

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I don't think your ABS is sub-par at all. Ottawa will only look at your top 3 in each category so it doesn't matter how many total ABS items you have. Maybe your research is not as heavy as your other sections but many new and current uottawa med students have no experience/interest in research. The secret present your items well.


Thank you for the encouragement

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I don't think your ABS is sub-par at all. Ottawa will only look at your top 3 in each category so it doesn't matter how many total ABS items you have. Maybe your research is not as heavy as your other sections but many new and current uottawa med students have no experience/interest in research. The secret present your items well.


This is not a misconception, but I feel it is misinterpreted sometimes.


Yes - Ottawa only looks at your top 3 points in each category (was top 5), but when you get to your interview they will ask you to tell them about yourself. They have your bio in front of them, they don't care to hear what they can already read (or I don't think they do), they want to know what else there is to know about you!

When I went to my interview I talked about all the stuff I never wrote down!

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