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Athabasca ENGL 255

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I haven’t taken the course, but I think ratemyprofessor.com should be taken with a little salt.


Some professors challenge students, you know, actually have an appreciation for education, and more likely than not, those negative comments flow in. People complain a lot, it’s that simple. The only time I’m hesitant about a course is when there are an overwhelming amount of comments suggesting the professor is boring, a monotone kind of guy.


Have you ever sat through an economics lecture… taught by the most boring Chinese man on the planet? The textbook explained things better, and had more personality than the instructor.


You could sit there for fifteen minutes, and honestly, there would be the urge to put a bullet into your head. The class quadrupled in size when midterms were to be handed back, and when he mentioned they would not, I counted 50 students (stopped counting eventually) walk out.

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I didn't have her but I did not have a positive experience with ENGL 255. I would recommend to anyone to take it as a challenge for credit class.


Wow, really? I enrolled in ENGL 255 based on the positive comments (mostly) that I read here about it. How was your experience negative?


I haven’t taken the course, but I think ratemyprofessor.com should be taken with a little salt.


Some professors challenge students, you know, actually have an appreciation for education, and more likely than not, those negative comments flow in. People complain a lot, it’s that simple. The only time I’m hesitant about a course is when there are an overwhelming amount of comments suggesting the professor is boring, a monotone kind of guy.


Have you ever sat through an economics lecture… taught by the most boring Chinese man on the planet? The textbook explained things better, and had more personality than the instructor.


You could sit there for fifteen minutes, and honestly, there would be the urge to put a bullet into your head. The class quadrupled in size when midterms were to be handed back, and when he mentioned they would not, I counted 50 students (stopped counting eventually) walk out.


I totally understand what you're saying...most of the ratings were negative, but that was for a different course. The instructor is probably similar in other courses, but I could be wrong.


Anyone else actually have Marian Allen as their tutor for ENGL 255?

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