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What are my chances??

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I'm starting my fourth year at UW and I'm planning on applying to uottawa in the fall. I've listed my stats below


Cumulative GPA: 3.99

wGPA: 3.99


extracurricular activities: volunteered in lab during first yr, created a club at school and i'm currently the president, tutoring for 3 yrs with group in my community, coach of a basketball team, NSERC award, TA'd for two yrs for introductory chemistry lab. I've also volunteered at many events/festivals in my city and i've received 3/4 awards at uw based on my academic achievement.


What are my chances of getting into uottawa?

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Could someone please chance me as well?


I graduated this June after doing a 5-year undergrad degree at UofT (I did an extra year because my 2nd year marks were atrocious). My wGPA is 3.94 and my ECs are pretty standard: lots of hospital volunteering, clinical research volunteering for 2 years, assistant fitness instructor volunteer at a small organization, club exec for 2 years, volunteered for Canadian Blood Services for a year, swim instructor and lifeguard for 5 years, classical pianist, worked for the federal government for 2.5 years, thesis project, 1 summer of research with no pubs, etc.


Do I have a good chance at getting an interview at UOttawa? I'm also waiting on my MCAT scores to determine if I'm competitive enough for an interview at Western and Queens (2yr GPA of 3.97). Much appreciated!


EDIT: I should add that I'm IP and OOO.

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Do you know what the cut-offs were in the past few years? I have a 3.85 on the dot wgpa and I am wondering if I should apply.


If you're from IP or OOO you would be borderline for the past couple years. If you are OOP then it would be below cut off.


I would say 3.85+ go for it, but you are going to be borderline. Plain and simple.

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