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UBC Medicine: Official 2013/2014 Applicant Thread

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Hello future MD2018s!


It looks as though there have been quite a few threads created on this subforum re: UBC medicine applications for the upcoming cycle. I remember using a thread such as this when applying in the past.


Feel free to ask any questions relevant to the 2013/2014 application cycle here. This should make this a more organized process. I'm sure other premeds, and upper UBC med student such as myself will do our best to provide you with help. Note that it is most advisable to ask highly specific questions to admissions.


For the official 2013/2014 timeline, please click here.


Some important dates:

Application deadline is Sept 16, 2013 and early admissions deadline is August 15, 2013.


Interview notifications are early December.


Interview dates are February 8-9 and February 15-16, 2014


Get your MCAT and transcripts plus any other documents in early.

Best of luck this application cycle :)

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Hello future MD2018s!


It looks as though there have been quite a few threads created on this subforum re: UBC medicine applications for the upcoming cycle. I remember using a thread such as this when applying in the past.


Feel free to ask any questions relevant to the 2013/2014 application cycle here. This should make this a more organized process. I'm sure other premeds, and upper UBC med student such as myself will do our best to provide you with help. Note that it is most advisable to ask highly specific questions to admissions.


For the official 2013/2014 timeline, please click here.


Some important dates:

Application deadline is Sept 13, 2013 and early admissions deadline is August 15, 2013.


Interview notifications are early December.


Interview dates are February 8-9 and February 15-16, 2014


Get your MCAT and transcripts plus any other documents in early.

Best of luck this application cycle :)



Actually the deadline is September 16 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

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Thanks for catching that, shadow, you're correct.

I've also edited my original post.

PS if any members are in need of suggestions/other help for their NAQ submissions please PM me as I will be free to help out this weekend only, totally free.

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