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Grad Supp Material to OMSAS?

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For grad applicants, do we just mail OMSAS the academic cv and additional letter from our supervisor? It doesn't really say in the booklet or Uoft website.


Yes, all material submitted directly to OMSAS starting this year.


"The Additional graduate applicant materials to be submitted to OMSAS include:

a) An academic Curriculum Vitae (CV). This CV must adhere to the format outlined at the MD program website HERE and should not include non academic activities.

B) One confidential letter of reference from your graduate supervisor describing your research work, academic capability and scholarly productivity and potential. This letter must include the expected date of completion of your graduate degree. This letter is to be submitted to OMSAS. This graduate supervisor letter of reference is in addition to the three letters of reference sent to OMSAS, even if your supervisor wrote one of the letters.


The deadline for submission of this additional material is November 1, 2013.


All material is submitted as part of the OMSAS application. Updates to the graduate application by e-mail or sent to the Admissions Office will not be accepted"



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