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Submission Confirmation

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For anyone who has submitted their application, have you received a confirmation email or has your "step 2" just been updated so that you are unable to make further changes?


Also, the step 1 still shows incomplete, but I am assuming that is still because of the space left for reference letters. Is this correct from those with experience applying to dal before?



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I've submitted but haven't gotten an email. My Step 1 says incomplete items outstanding (My guess is since they haven't removed reference letters from that system, it wont change. To be clear, reference letters ARE NOT required) and my Step 2 says complete.

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Hey I submitted my application last night. I also haven't received a confirmation email, so don't worry about it. When you submitted your application, did you just click submit/finalize at the bottom of the screens for steps 2a and 2b? This is a silly question but I want to make sure i'm not missing something...we don't need to submit this entire application as a whole, do we? (ie if i just clicked finalize at the bottom of each step I am fine?). thanks

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does anyone know if we still have to pay...after doing so many applications I can't remember if they made us pay at the beginning or if I still have to...


Did you pay the $70.00 fee online immediately after Step 1? If not, you have until Sept. 9 to pay over the phone or by mail. I think it should indicate if you paid in your application summary.

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Did you pay the $70.00 fee online immediately after Step 1? If not, you have until Sept. 9 to pay over the phone or by mail. I think it should indicate if you paid in your application summary.


I couldn't find anywhere where it indicated on my application, but I found an email confirming that I paid.

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