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2nd Date for MCAT Test

Guest dave927

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Guest dave927

Hello everyone,


I am planning on submitting a request to write the MCAT on August 21st as opposed to the 20th. The reason why I would like to do this is because I am doing summer school and my exam period takes place during this time and an exam might be on the same day. If this is the case, then I would either not do the MCAT or drop the summer school course. I do not know whether this would be an acceptable excuse to write it on the 2nd date, but if it is approved, is there any disadvantage to writing on the 2nd date? I am primarily afraid that the scaled marks may be different.




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Guest happy2bme

I think you'd have better luck trying to change a school exam than the Mcat. I think they have the sunday option for religous reasons not academic.


Good luck though!

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I don't know. I know people in the past have posted on this board that they wrote on the Sunday because they had a family wedding to attend on the Saturday. Why not contact both places and see what kind of response you get?

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Guest dave927



I just got a reply back from AAMC and they said it is an acceptable reason. Now I just worry if writing on Sunday would put me in any sort of disadvantage, although I doubt there is any.



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It shouldn't put you at any disadvantage. Just remember a large part of the MCAT is your own state of mind. Be confident that writing on Sunday makes no difference and it won't. :)

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Guest purplefairy13

If its a life sciences course, I'm sure the admin is sensitive to the fact that some people will be writing the MCAT. I'd say to switch the exam, and keep the MCAT

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Guest medwannabee



Nothing wiht writing the mcat on Sunday. I wrote my mcat on sunday a few years ago just because the test center i wanted to write at was full on the saturday. You are not at any disadvantage to writing it on the sunday. THe only thing i found was that on saturday nite, when all my friends were out celebrating and having a good time on saturday nite...i was at home sharpenin my pencils :P . But aside from that, there are les people who write it on sunday and the day ends faster. THe rest is upto you



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest svp2k5

You would be surprised at the acceptable reasons for postponing the MCAT. Last year, i got to write on sunday, because I was out of town on saturday (I got back from mexico on saturday at around 9 pm)

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