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Princeton Review vs Kaplan

Guest Bmussa

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Guest Bmussa

Hi everyone,


I was just wondering if people can tell me their experiences with Princeton Review. I have heard many testimonial advocating Kaplan but when you look at the class schedules there is only about 6 hours on each topic. It seems more to be oriented toward bettering your test taking skills instead of working on knowledge. I need to know if Princeton Review is better in verbal reasoning and biological section.


Thanks! :)

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Guest purplefairy13

Ok, although I studied on my own (i.e. no formal course), using a Kaplan Book, and MCAT tests from past years (I bought the membership), I have friends who took Princeton Review and Kaplan...we all did well on the MCAT (interesting to note that we all did more or less the same...). I personally don't think there's a difference...just take whatever works best with your schedule.


Good Luck!

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Kaplan does provide you with books containing all the review material you need to know, but you're expected to review that material on your own in preparation for the classes. The class time is mostly spent on strategy. I don't know what the breakdown of PR is, but Kaplan worked for me.

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Guest Madz25

I took PR last summer. They actually taught the material in class. It was basically a repitition of what was in the books they provided. We also did practice passages in class. I know people that have done well with Kaplan and with PR. I think it depends on how much effort you're willing to put in on your own time. I think Kaplan assumes prior knowledge of the topics much more so than PR.


For verbal and biological sciences, I found PR to be quite good. They provided plenty of practice material. In my opinion, verbal is something you need to practice on by yourself - it's not something that can be taught.


I chose PR over Kaplan because it was cheaper for and provided morning classes. I agree with purplefairy13, take whichever one suits your schedule.


Also, search the MCAT Discussions forum, the PR vs. Kaplan question has been raised many many times. I'm sure you'll find some good info there.


Best of luck!



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