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Need advice for chemistry prerequisite

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I am from U of T and have some issues with the chem prerequisite. I have taken two half year chem at u of t: CHM139 (with lab) and CHM220 (no lab). I know that some people from U of T are taking the general chem courses CCHY 103 (lectures) and CKCH107 (laboratory) at Ryerson to fulfill the chem prerequisite. Technically, I am only missing a lab component, right? Can I take CKCH107 alone? Or do I have to take CCHY103 and CKCH107 altogether?


I also looked into CHEM1000 at York University. It says 3 credits on their website, but it has a lab component. Does anyone know if it can be combined with CHM139 and CHM220 at U of T to make a full year general chemistry of 8 credit hours in the US system?


I am a poor student and I don't want to waste money on taking unneeded courses...


Thank you very much!!!!Any help will be appreciated!!!!

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