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Studying Advice :)


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So Im writing my mcat in end of January for the first time and have started officially studying 2 days ago. (Note: I dont have school this year). I primarily use princeton's as I have the course starting next month and using EK 101 for verbal as an extra source (But I have a lot of other resources just havent used them).


Anyway, aside from verbal that I decided to do daily- Im starting with some other weaknesses before my course starts, like tackling physiology and physics.


-My main question on here is: How do you go about studying efficiently for the MCAT sections, especially for what BS (like physiology)? Like do you just read? Read and take notes? make flash cards? Highlight only? I find myself REALLY slow studying the physiology part - much slower than I planned because I dont know the best way to go about it efficiently and best. Im trying to make sure I retain it all which is making me confused on how to go about it!


So if anyone can throw some techniques on what they found best when they studied for each section / especially the Physiology in the BS or physics that would be great. Im going way slower than I imagined I would. thank you :)


Edit: Slow NOT because Im having trouble with the material, I actually understand and make sense of what I'm reading - but slow in just trying to figure out the best technique to make all this info stick in my head for the future like 3 months ahead!!

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I used the kaplan books. I made a study schedule so I would cover 1 section a day. I would start off by reading the whole section through without taking notes. Just reading to get an idea of what was covered and to put the whole lesson in context. Then I would go back through and read and take notes. I'd also do any suggested practice questions. I would repeat this for each subsequent section on subsequent days, and once I was finished the whole PS, BS or VR I would go back and practice all the questions again to identify where info didn't stick.


Worked exceptionally well for PS and BS. VR is a strange beast and approaching it 'the kaplan way' didn't work at all for me. So this intense studying strategy actually worked against me in that section.

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