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Too late in the game?


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Is it too late in the game to apply to the States? I'm planning to apply to 8-9 in Canada, and if I apply to US, it would only be a few as back-up.


AMCAS cGPA: 3.95

2013 MCAT: 14, 10, 11

2012 MCAT: 14, 6, O, 12


EC's: average with 2 NSERCs, no pubs


Where would be my best chances? Maybe one hopeful dream school and one near-guaranteed backup as well.



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Excellent stats, you should get interviews, but if you haven't completed AMCAS, you won't be complete until end of october and secondaries november. Which is really late.


If you don't get an interviews/acceptances, it is because you applied extremely late. Otherwise apply first thing next cycle and you should be golden.

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I would apply because even this late, you still have a decent shot considering your great stats.


I would not apply to "learn the cycle". If you get apply to AMCAS, you have to declare yourself as a reapplicant in the future, to any AMCAS schools, and they would scrutinize you more carefully, particularly to see big improvement from your last application.

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I wouldn't apply unless you actually want to go to the states. This late in the game you would probably be throwing away your money.

You have great stats though, so there's a chance. Up to you whether it's worth the cost. As someone noted, if you don't get in this year and apply again next year, it will hurt your chances (for AMCAS schools)

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