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Does anybody have any suggestions on what MCAT books/companies to use to prep myself for certain sections of the MCAT? Also, which company provides the best prep session?




EDIT: For the 2014 MCAT


Also, any suggested ''studying schedules'' or will whatever company I sign with set me up with one?

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First of I did not take the course. I just got my test back and got 10 on both science sections and 8 on verbal. I have not taken organic chemistry and only half a year of physics so I used the princeton review for both sections and it seemed to work decently.


As for verbal I couldnt even tell you where to begin. The 8 I got does not represent the hours I put into that section. However Examkrackers is really good and so is TPR.

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Does anybody have any suggestions on what MCAT books/companies to use to prep myself for certain sections of the MCAT? Also, which company provides the best prep session?




EDIT: For the 2014 MCAT


Also, any suggested ''studying schedules'' or will whatever company I sign with set me up with one?


No offence but no one can tell you how to study. You know yourself and how long it will take you to master the material.


As for verbal buy the EK101, I found it helped. As always the AAMC exams are the gold standard.

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but ill prolly take the verbal course from kaplan this spring

I found Kaplan's verbal strategy to be more or less worthless. I find that you end up wasting too much time on small details and tricks that aren't really worth it. That being said, I'm sure there are many who would swear by the Kaplan strat. If you can finish the practise tests within the time limit do whatever you want.


I personally used EK to study for the MCAT because it was in the package that pretty much everyone has. That mixed with the Kaplan flashcards + laminated facts booklet for review. I also used the Gold Standard videos. Those were very helpful as a supplement to my studies.

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