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Formal Education Section

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Hey guys,


I have tried calling UofO but am having no luck with anybody answering the phones (they are likely mega overloaded with calls).


Anyway, I am not sure what to put in the supplementary Formal Education section for UofO. I am obviously entering in my undergrad and MSc degree. How about other institutions where I did a summer course? Or institutions where I am now completing a course to fulfill a prerequisite from another school? I am not registered in degrees at these places, just took an isolated course. Should we enter these as well? If so, there are really only two boxes for undergrad studies and I would need 3...


Does anyone know the answer to this?

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I had a similar issue. I don't think we can put down an institution there if its not a formal degree because of the duration options. I'm taking a course now (post-bac) to fulfill an ottawa prereq and I just put the information in my ABS as formal education and then also put it in the postsecondary education section where you enter your marks.

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Hey bozo22 that's a good idea. Would you say for example, York summer course 2009? or UofT continuing studies course 2013? etc..


And BBallCrazy - you cannot enter current courses (ie 2013-2014) into your education section. so not to worry, just have the institution there but leave courses blank because you can't write in progress. I am doing that too.

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