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Re-doing verbal resources


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So I just got my marks back from the Aug 28 mcat (12/7/12) and I obviously need to improve my verbal. Prior to writing I finished all the EK tests, TPRH passages + tests, and I went through the verbal sections in TPR's online practice mcats.

My question is... Should I re-use these resources? I plan on re-writing in June, and I know that what I used were considered to be the "best" verbal prep resources. I'm afraid I may unconsciously pick the right answers because I have already completed those passages. What other resources are there that I can use to improve?

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It's not enough to just re-do stuff. You need to figure out where you may have went wrong on the actual MCAT. Were there timing/pacing/fatigue issues? Comprehension difficulties? How consistent were your scores during practice? I don't think there's any harm in using the same resources again, but make sure you're practicing in a consistent way.

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It's not enough to just re-do stuff. You need to figure out where you may have went wrong on the actual MCAT. Were there timing/pacing/fatigue issues? Comprehension difficulties? How consistent were your scores during practice? I don't think there's any harm in using the same resources again, but make sure you're practicing in a consistent way.


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It's not enough to just re-do stuff. You need to figure out where you may have went wrong on the actual MCAT. Were there timing/pacing/fatigue issues? Comprehension difficulties? How consistent were your scores during practice? I don't think there's any harm in using the same resources again, but make sure you're practicing in a consistent way.


The lowest I scored in the aamc practice tests was a 6 (aamc 5), the other 6 my scored ranged between a 7 and 11. During the actual test I started the last passage with 5 minutes to spare, which felt weird because during my practice tests I'd get to the last passage with around 30 seconds left, and would just randomly guess. I guess I didn't take enough time to think about my answers during the test, which resulted in such a low score.

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