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Top 10 question

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Hey guys,


Quick question about the top 10 experiences: are experiences such as being hospitalized, or moving to a different country, or dropping out of college experiences that are appropriate to talk about? If so, what kind of verifiers can I list? For my hospitalizations, naturally my mother would be most suited to answer such questions. For dropping out of college, they would just have to look at my past transcripts.


If not, what kind of experiences are they looking for?


Also, do we absolutely need to list 10 experiences, or is that the maximum they'll accept?


Thank you!

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I think that as long as these are meaningful experiences to you and you're able to provide a good explanation as to why they're important, i see no problem with you putting them.

As for the dropping out of college, if this was due to poor marks, maybe there's a section for 'why does your transcript doesn't reflect true academic ability' that would fit this particular experience

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